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III. Preuss Legends - ABNA SHOW

12.04.2008 autor HEABC Czech Republic

III. Preuss Legends - ABNA SHOW

Ve dnech 12. - 13.04.2008 se konal třetí ročník Preuss Legends...


Výsledky ABNA SHOW Preuss Legends 3

Puppy classes
typ standart
FENY     ( female)   
Novice puppy class ( 3. - 6. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 1                          
1. Silver-Moon-Bull's Gogo Girl - Jana Lehečková ( CZ )     
Junior puppy class ( 6. - 9. měs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 0
Senior puppy class (9. - 12. měs )
numer of dogs in the ring: 0

Best puppy female
Silver-Moon-Bull's Gogo Girl

typ standart
PSI (male)

Novice puppy class ( 3. - 6. měs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 0
Junior puppy class ( 6. - 9. měs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 1
1. Beehive Kennel's Aysy - Milan Opavský ( CZ )
Senior puppy class (9. - 12. měs )
numer of dogs in the ring: 0

Best puppy male
Beehive kennel's Aysy
Best puppy in show
Silver Moon Bull's Gogo Girl

Puppy classes
typ Classic
FENY     ( female)   

Novice puppy class ( 3. - 6. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 6                           
1. Viking Bulls Valkyria - Sven Köhler ( DE )
2.  Backyard's Roxy - Ladislav Szabó ( SK ) 
3.  Hutka'sbull Baby of Demoniac Team - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU )
Junior puppy class ( 6. - 9. měs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 4
1. Best of Bulldog's Zara of Demoniac Team - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU )
2. Best of Bulldog's Marha - Peter Mišovič ( SK )
3. Tajemný Dvor Koválov Nita of Demoniac Team - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU )
Senior puppy class (9. - 12. měs )
numer of dogs in the ring: 4
1. Silver-Moon-Bulls Fireball - Marion [[&]] Mike Silber ( DE )
2. Demoniac Team's Maya - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU ) 
3. Demoniac Team's Emily - Igor Psota ( SK )  

Best puppy female
Silver-Moon-Bulls Fireball
typ Classic
PSI (male)
Novice puppy class ( 3. - 6. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 4                  
1. Demoniac Team's Denis - Ladislav Szabó ( SK )   
2. Vee Eight Le Sabre Luxus - Jaroslav Novák + Tom Sobek ( CZ )
3. Demoniac Team's Murphy - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland (HU)  
Junior puppy class ( 6. - 9. měs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 2
1. Best of bulldog's Rocky - Vanesa Kubiš ( SK ) 
2. Viking Bulls Beowulf - Františka Schulz ( DE)
Senior puppy class (9. - 12. měs )
numer of dogs in the ring: 3
1. Chester Snug - Radek Kinďura ( CZ )  
2. Chino Snug - Dalibor Stupárek ( CZ ) 
3.  Brontepure's Alvares - František Reich ( CZ )

Best puppy male
Chester Snug
Best puppy in show
Silver-Moon-Bulls Fireball
Silver-Moon-Bulls Fireball
Adult classes
Typ standart
FENY     ( female)
Junior adult class ( 12. - 24. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 3
1. Peter Kovac's Bulldog's Jammie - Petra Demuthová ( CZ )
2. Kovac's Kirina - Dalibor Stupárek ( CZ ) 
3. White Alex's Alabany - Ladislav Szabó ( SK )  
Senior adult class ( 2. - 4. roky )
numer of dogs in the ring: 4
1. Red Cock's Gama - Sylva Nováková ( CZ )  
2. Grufik's Roxana - Blanka Furišová ( CZ ) 
3. Red Cock's Halli - manželé Janíkovi ( CZ ) 
Veteran adult class ( 4. roky + )
numer of dogs in the ring: 1
1. Blue Haney Grufik's - Bačík Pavel ( CZ ) 

Best adult female
Red Cock's Gama

Typ standart
PSI (male)
Junior adult class ( 12. - 24. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 6
1. Lifewater's Billy - Lucie Vancbauerová ( CZ ) 
2. Long Island Iced-Bull Boss - Takás Tünde ( HU ) 
3. Hanibal Kovac's  - Weis Tomáš ( CZ )
Senior adult class ( 2. - 4. roky )
numer of dogs in the ring: 3
1. Lifewater's Atomic - Čučka Tomáš ( CZ )  
2. Koci's Grufik's Butch - Kočí Filip ( CZ ) 
3. Red Cock's Garp - Matěj Jiří ( CZ ) 
Veterán adult class ( 4. roky + )
numer of dogs in the ring: 1
1. Hannah's The Iceman Cometh of WB -Salzburgerová Jarka ( CZ ) [[&]] Hannah Dave ( USA )  

Best adult male
Hannah's The Iceman Cometh of WB
Best adult in show
Red Cock's Gama

Adult classes
typ Classic
FENY     ( female)   
Junior adult class ( 12. - 24. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 4
1. Silver-Moon-Bulls D'Elen - Marion a Mike Silber ( DE )  
2. Double Peeters' Angel of Demoniac Team - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU )    
3. Double Peeters' Bully of V8 - Reich František ( CZ )  
Senior adult class ( 2. - 4. roky )
numer of dogs in the ring: 2
1. Viking Bull's Skyqueen Friga of Nathans Meute - Tochtenhagen Nicole + Schulz Niels ( DE )  
2. Long Island K[[&]]D-Buu Amelie - Takás Tünde ( HU ) 
Veteran adult class ( 4. roky + )
numer of dogs in the ring: 2
1. Vee Eight Del Rio Wagon - Eva a Jaroslav Benešovi ( CZ )  
2. White Bull's Peanuts - Hutka János ( HU )  
Best adult female
Silver-Moon-Bulls D'Elen

typ Classic
PSI (male)
Junior adult class ( 12. - 24. m
ěs. )
numer of dogs in the ring: 10
1. Backyard's Tyson of Demoniac Team - Demoniac Team - Szabó Tamás [[&]] Nemes Roland ( HU )      
2. Megabull's Gorilla - Peter Mišovič ( SK )  
3. Double Peeters' Brandon of V8 - Roman Kořínek ( CZ ) 
Senior adult class ( 2. - 4. roky )
numer of dogs in the ring: 2
1. Artusch Bullhammer - Malgorzata Szymajda ( PL )  
2. Amir Bullhammer - Růžička Libor ( CZ )   
Veterán adult class ( 4. roky + )
numer of dogs in the ring: 0

Best adult male
Backyard's Tyson of Demoniac Team
Best adult in show
Backyard's Tyson of Demoniac Team
Backyard's Tyson of Demoniac Team

Special classes

Champion class
numer of dogs in the ring: 3
1. Red Cock's kpt. Flint - Karel Hahn ( CZ )
    Barreras Blockbuster - Marion a Mike Silber ( DE )
    Bonita Eldorádo - Haisová Lucie ( CZ ) 

